I try to recap what did I do for the 1st day of 2007 but I cant rem.
So I thought why not I make an effort to rem since a start of a brand new year. :P
So what have I done today to kick start the year? :)
I had a good night rest and woke up at about 11am.
Then My hubby & I went out for our brunch & watched Aliens Vs Predators 2!
Guessed what's our 1st meal for the year? :) Its our Fav Fast food! MOS BURGER! kekeke
I had Chilli Dog while my hubby ate the new introduce chicken burger. And it goes with a large fries and a Medium Ice Lemon Tea. And finally it satisfied us with their small little apple pies. We nvr missed that whenever we have MOS.
Then we went to catch AVP. The show started on time. I thought normally they will have 10mins grace. Anyway, we missed a few mins of the show. The show is exciting but disgusting too.
After movie, we headed home. I was online playing scrabble and facebooking.
And we had ta bao dinner bought by my PIL. Then I watched the 9pm channel 8 serial. That's how my 1st day of 2008 goes! :P
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