Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Day of 2007

Hmm.... Time really flies mann! Tat goes 2007 and welcoming 2008!

2007 had been a fulfiling year for me! I had learned & grown alot in this year alone.

So what had I achieved this year?

1) I did well in my career.
2) I enjoyed & find meaning in my career.
3) I had finished reading a few books which had changed my perceptions.
4) I attended T. Harv Eker Millionaire Mind Intensive!
5) I am on the 90 Day Wealth Conditioning Program
6) I find more meaning & happier in life than before
7) I travelled to US this year for holiday!
8) I received many many good news from my friends.
9) I learnt to receive all good things in life.
10) I am learning the skill of trading.
11) I joined the Quantum Leap Program with my Hubby!
12) I celebrated many many happy & successful occassion!
13) I continued to learn & grow mentally, physcially, emotionally & Spritually.
14) I learnt to manage my own money!
15) I am learning to get out of my comfort zone.

2007 will be a year full of memories.... Lets not look back and moved ourselves to a new 2008 and start to achieve what we want!

BYE BYE 2007 !!! :P

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